Legacy Roundtable 23 – 8th October 2024

Artwork of six people at a round table

How to Get the Most Out of TV & Video Advertising

Legacy advertising through TV or online videos is something more and more charities are exploring to inspire future gifts in Wills. Whether your charity is considering these approaches for the first time or has run TV/Video campaigns for years, getting it right can make a significant difference in driving supporter engagement and legacy income.

From creating engaging TV ads to using online video to reach and connect with potential supporters, these campaigns require thoughtful planning, investment, and senior-level buy-in. Done well, they can be transformative.

We’ll cover topics such as:

  • The process, planning, and timelines for these campaigns.
  • Briefing, selecting, and managing creative agency partners.
  • Tips for creating engaging content across TV, and online platforms.
  • Media planning and integration with online/offline campaigns.
  • KPIs and measuring success.

Join our expert speakers as they share their insights on how to navigate these opportunities, what works best across different mediums, and what they wish they had known when they started.

Register here