In this special edition of the Legacy Roundtable, along with hosts Stephen Follows (Catsnake: The Story Agency) and Clare Sweeney (Keepace Consults), our wonderful panel shared their expertise and experience in legacy fundraising for hospices.
We were delighted to be joined by:
Chris Lincoln, Smee & Ford – As a Business Development Manager, Chris’s role is all about ensuring charities are equipped with the data, insights and strategic intelligence they need to increase their legacy income. He shared some of these valuable insights with us in the roundtable.
Ellie Carter, St Barnabas Hospice – Although relatively new to the world of legacies at St Barnabas, in the roundtable, Ellie spoke about the journey the hospice has been on in recent months to develop a strategy for legacy development, including staff engagement and legacy marketing.
David Pond, Keech Hospice Care – David is responsible for legacy income at Keech Hospice Care, and has over 15 years’ experience in fundraising for hospices. He shared some insightful results and learnings from the hospice’s latest legacy marketing campaign on Facebook, and revealed some key findings from a recent staff and volunteer survey.
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